22nd October 2024 in Zurich: Truffle 2024 The Ticket Price of Natural Disasters
Truffle 2024 The Ticket Price of Natural Disasters
About Truffle Truffle is an annual discussion of critical issues facing the world today at the intersection between the financial markets and politics. A Thought Leadership event where COMPLEX TOPICS and RESPECTFUL DISCUSSION are the foundation behind each program. Our guests include, but are not limited to: institutional investors, treasury, pension funds, family offices, and anyone who wants to be challenged to think “outside the box”.
Truffle 2024 Theme: The Ticket Price of Natural Disasters
The global estimated loss due to natural disasters is $380bn annually. Destruction, business interruption, clean-up, and relief are costly and avoidable. Add to the equation the 21.1m climate refugees annually and an estimated increase to 1.2bn by 2050 and the disaster spiral spins faster. As the spiral spins, wildlife is threatened to the point of what is being called the Sixth Extinction. Can humanity proactively implement change to reduce the cost and implications of our reactive existence?
Panel 1: The Permanent Refugee Recipe - Climate Change and War
By 2050, projected 1.2bn refugees – (117m currently), from the projected 9.8bn Global population – (12%). Globally, more than 1 in 4 people will be African, up from 1 in 11 in 1960. The refugee crisis across the globe is a fundamental point of contention for most elections in the developed world. Can investment, education, and policy curb the flow?
Panel 2: Collision Course - Migratory Paths and Global Logistics
„For most of history, humans have had to fight nature to survive. In this century, they begin to realize they must protect nature in order to survive.“ Jacques Cousteau. Wildlife sustains nature and the ecosystems they call home… ecosystems humanity needs to survive. Are the reactive policies and programs proactive enough to curb the loss?
Panel 3: Investor Discussion
A summary conversation of the conference taking on all topics and the perspectives of investors and their evaluation/contemplation of these themes and how their companies address these challenges.