When decisions are made as to which profession to go into, there are more stable options, and less stable options. Most people interview at a company for a certain role that suits their specific set of skills. They go into full-time employment upon the successful passing of the interview and acceptance and signing of the salary, benefits and contract. Stable income is guaranteed each month you are in employment. That is the more traditional way.
On the other side of the job-seeking scale are those who self-employ themselves, better known as freelancers. Depending on the country, there are different labels attributed to what type of freelancer you are. For example, in Germany you could be a Kleinunternehmer (small business) or a private individual, while in England you would simply be self-employed. Especially large ventures would be considered limited companies.
However, regardless of what term appears on tax declarations, all freelancers are under their own motivation and discipline to earn a living. This often starts with sourcing clients to provide you with work. Often, individuals must put teams together for a specific task. Whatever industry an individual is a freelancer in, the same instability is present. We would like to offer some simple tips to help make that instability more stable. Tips to help optimize your operations, and more importantly, enjoy the path you have chosen.
One of the biggest differences between full-time and self-employed work is the routine and general time requirements. In the past, workers would have to be in the office at a certain time. Nowadays, especially since the pandemic, more people work from home and have slightly more flexibility. However, the concept of “working hours” still exist. Evenings and weekends are cherished more than ever. On the other side of the working spectrum, freelancers are responsible for organizing their own time. Therefore, the need to create a routine is essential. Whether that includes going to the gym, doing grocery shopping, or walking the dog, days must be precisely organized to accommodate all that around work. Having an established routine can also help to create a sense of urgency to get things done each day.
Often as a freelancer, striking the balance between working and relaxing can be quite difficult. As we mentioned, there are no set hours of work to build the rest of your life around. But unwinding is essential. It also helps to motivate you to carry on with work if required. No matter what it is, listening to music, going for a run, checking the latest sport at Cloudbet, or playing a video game on the PlayStation, finding time for these cherished activities will provide a good mental balance to the strain and stress of work.
Tied in with striking a good work/life balance, calculating how much work you need to do to achieve your goals is a good way to organize your time. Whether is an hourly or daily rate, calculating how much you need to work to achieve a certain salary each month, and annually, will prevent you from over or underworking. The knock-on effects of either are enough to upset your balance in life. The self-requirements that are set are a good foundation on which to base the other two aspects mentioned in this piece.