This MasterClass will guide participants through the OTC Derivatives which; since the global Financial Crisis in 2008, have been subject to momentous changes in their regulation, affecting all firms that indulge in these financial products. However, for many people working within the financial services industry OTC Derivatives remain a complex mystery and a real challenge to understand therefore, this masterclass seeks to provide a better understanding in this regard. By the end of the MasterClass, the participants will: Be aware of the fundamental purpose and structure of derivative products; Understand the similarities/differences between exchange traded derivatives and OTC derivatives; Recognize the processing life cycle of a range of derivative products; Understand what causes exposures in OTC Derivative trades and the purpose of collateral; Appreciate the role of legal documentation and associated collateral management; Comprehend the reasons for and detail of the EMIR regulation; Understand the treatment of both centrally cleared and non centrally cleared trades; Join our OTC Derivatives Collateral & EMIR Masterclass 5.0 on 12-13 September, 2019 in Budapest, Hungary led by Micheal Simmons, a highly acknowledged Trainer in the field of Financial Services Operations!
Costs: Request the agenda
Event type: Training and education
Registration information: Request the agenda
Event website:
Posted by: GLC Europe Global Leading Conferences