
4 Tips to Keep Your Team's Morale High

Keeping your team's morale high is a recipe for success. But unfortunately, we've seen how low morale can harm your business. When the morale is low, your teams struggle to get ideas through, finish assignments and don't cooperate. Simply put, everyone minds their own businesses and waits for their shift to end.

You must change this and inspire your teams to get the most out of their abilities. A happy workforce is what every business owner or team leader should strive for.

While it's easy to motivate your team after a poor period, the real challenge is maintaining your team's morale high. Luckily for you, we've got a few ideas that might help you do just that.

So with all that said, let's start.

Celebrate Small Successes

We focus too much on getting a project over the line. But projects can turn days into weeks of hard work. They could involve doing hundreds of smaller tasks that each one deserves recognition. If you're not used to the idea of celebrating small successes, now is the time to start.

Instead of waiting for your teams to finish the project, why not boost their morale by complimenting their hard work after completing a task? Of course, a simple "good job" comes a long way in doing that. But there's an obvious mistake to avoid in this scenario.

Don't hand out meaningless compliments every time your team finishes a task. Instead, make it so that each praise is earned. That way, your team will know not to expect a "good job" every time they submit an assignment.

Another way to celebrate small successes is to highlight an individual's hard work. So at the next team meeting, give praise to those in your team who deserve it the most.

Be a Friend

Another way to keep your team's morale high is to communicate with them regularly. No one likes the idea of a workplace where employees sit in their cubicles and the boss in their office. But, sadly, this happens way too often, especially in certain industries.

So what you can do is change that. Make it a habit to chat up with team members and discuss stuff. You could talk about work-related things or something else entirely.

The reason you do this is to inspire and motivate your teams. But to do that, you need to have excellent leadership and social skills. You need to know how to communicate with your teams to get the most out of their day. Don't just sit in your office and do nothing. Go out and pat someone on the back, talk over coffee, or even take the team out for lunch.

The more work you put in the important social skills necessary to be a friend, the more your employees will appreciate and respect you. They will want to work for you, thus boosting their morale.

Do Team Bonding Activities

While celebrating small successes and being a friend will positively affect your team's morale, by far the best way to motivate your team is to do team bonding activities.

Team bonding can be anything so long as everyone in your team is involved. It could be a trip, doing stuff at the park, or anything else. Companies go to great lengths to nail their team bonding.

And for good reasons, bonding with coworkers improves team collaboration and morale, as well as affects teamwork in general. According to this report, 75% of employees value teamwork and collaboration.

And there's no better way to improve these skills than to do team bonding activities. Popular activities include completing an escape-the-room challenge, trivia games, volunteering, etc.

Promote A Healthy Work-Life Balance

The number one morale-beater is an unhealthy work-life balance. Employees detest the idea of working all the time, overtime. And for good reasons, as no one wants to spend their Saturdays at work when they can relax at home.

But sometimes, deadlines force us to work overtime and use the weekends to catch up on progress missed during the week. Working overtime is bad for morale. Sure, your employees will cope with it once or twice, but relations might turn sour if they have to do it all the time.

That's not to say they're not at fault, as they still have a job to do. If teams don't finish their tasks in time, they will have to work overtime.

But that's where you come in and solve the problem. First, implement rules that promote a healthy work-life balance.

For example, no emails after 5 pm. Doing this will have a positive effect on your teams and their morale. They don't have to respond to emails after finishing their shift so they can use their downtime for personal needs.

A healthy work-life balance is one of the best ways to keep your team's morale high.


Low morale is the last thing you want when managing your teams. Low morale ultimately impacts productivity. However, teams with low morale can be insubordinate, disorganized, and argue with other team members.

So keeping morale high should be a top priority for any leader who wants to get the most out of their teams.

As you can imagine, there are plenty of ways to do that. We hope this article will inspire you to develop ideas that will keep morale high.



Author Bio



Erik Bergman co-founded Catena Media and helped grow it to over 300 employees and a $200 million valuation before stepping away to start, an iGaming organization that donates 100% of its profits to environmental charities. In addition to running a successful online affiliate business, Erik also hosts the Becoming Great podcast, shares entrepreneurship tips with his more than 1 million social media followers, and contributes to sites like, Business Insider, Foundr, and Forbes.

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