
4 Types of Touch Screen Directories That Can Benefit Commercial Real Estates and How to Pick Them

Touch screen directories are an increasingly popular feature in commercial real estate, providing a modern and efficient way for visitors to navigate large buildings and premises.

With the rise of touchscreen technology and the widespread adoption of smartphones and tablets, touchscreen directories have become an expected feature in modern buildings.

These displays can significantly enhance the visitor experience, improve wayfinding, and help differentiate commercial real estate from its competitors.

So, let’s learn more about the benefits, types, and how to pick the right one!

The Advantages of Touch Screen Directories in Commercial Real Estate

People are used to using their touch to navigate screen directories due to their personal use of mobile phones and tablets. This makes touch screen directories an intuitive and easy-to-use solution for visitors to navigate unfamiliar buildings.

Moreover, touchscreen directories provide numerous benefits for commercial real estate. Touch screen directories are also an excellent way for commercial real estate owners to enhance the overall visitor experience and differentiate themselves from competitors.

They are also more efficient and cost-effective than traditional directories that require regular updates and maintenance. With that said, let’s explore the different types of touchscreen directories that can benefit commercial real estate and how to pick them.

  1. Interactive Touch Screen Directories

Interactive touchscreen directories are one of the most popular types of directories used in commercial real estate. These directories allow visitors to interact with the display by using their fingers to scroll, zoom, and tap on different screen sections.

The interactive interface of these directories allows visitors to quickly find the information they need, such as directions to a specific office or floor.

One of the main benefits of interactive touchscreen directories is that you can customize them to fit the specific needs of the building. This includes adding custom branding and logos and integrating with other technologies, such as wayfinding software.

Additionally, interactive touchscreen directories are easy to update, meaning any changes to the building layout or directory information can be quickly reflected on the display.

  1. Kiosk Touch Screen Directories

Kiosk touch screen directories are similar to interactive touch screen directories but are designed to be mounted on a standalone kiosk or pedestal.

These directories are beneficial in large open spaces such as lobbies, where visitors may not be able to see a wall-mounted directory. They are also ideal for buildings with limited space, as they take up minimal floor space due to their small size.

Moreover, Kiosk touchscreen directories are highly customizable, allowing commercial real estate owners to include specific information such as building directories and event schedules.

The kiosk is easy to use and provides visitors with a quick and efficient way to access information about the building. They are also cost-effective, making them an excellent option for commercial real estate owners with limited budgets.

Overall, kiosk touchscreen directories are a valuable addition to any building, providing visitors with the information they need to navigate the space and enhancing the overall visitor experience.

  1. Wall-Mounted Touch Screen Directories

Wall-mounted touchscreen directories are a popular choice for buildings with limited floor space or where a standalone kiosk may not be suitable.

Wall-mounted touchscreen directories are displays that are mounted on walls throughout a building. They are highly customizable and can display a wide range of information, including building directories, floor plans, event schedules, and more.

These touchscreen directories are also a great option for buildings with limited floor space or areas where a standalone display would not be suitable. They are typically larger than kiosk touchscreen directories, making them easier to read from a distance.

Moreover, visitors can easily navigate the display with their fingertips, allowing them to find the information they need quickly. Highly customizable directories enable commercial real estate owners to display specific information tailored to their visitors' needs.

Commercial real estate owners can also easily use wall-mounted touchscreen directories to enhance the visitor experience and provide a more efficient wayfinding system without sacrificing valuable floor space.

  1. Mobile Touch Screen Directories

Mobile touchscreen directories are a relatively new type of directory that is gaining popularity in commercial real estate. These directories allow visitors to access building information through mobile devices like smartphones and tablets.

Mobile touch screen directories’ main benefit is that they are incredibly convenient for visitors. Visitors can access the directory information from anywhere in the building without the need to find a physical display.

Additionally, you can customize this type of directory to fit the specific needs of the building, including the display size and resolution.

However, it is essential to note that mobile touchscreen directories may only be suitable for some buildings. For example, facilities with poor cellular or Wi-Fi connectivity may make it difficult for visitors to access the directory information on their mobile devices.

Then again, some visitors may prefer a physical display to navigate the building, especially those less familiar with mobile technology.

How to Pick the Right Touch Screen Directory for Your Building

Investing in a touch screen directory for your commercial real estate building can significantly enhance the visitor experience and overall efficiency.

However, with so many options available, choosing the right one for your building can be challenging. So, you have to look at various factors, including the type and size of the building, the number of visitors, and your budget.

  1.  Determine Budget

Determining your budget is crucial in selecting the correct touchscreen directory for your commercial real estate building. The cost of touchscreen directories can vary significantly depending on the features and functionality required.

According to estimates from Digital Signage Today, the average cost of a touchscreen kiosk can range from $3,000 to $10,000, while the price of a wall-mounted touchscreen can range from $2,000 to $5,000.

By planning a budget for your touch screen directory project, you can narrow down your options and ensure that you select a solution that meets your needs while staying within your financial means.

  1.  Identify the Necessities

Before you begin your search, it's essential to determine what type of information your visitors need access to.  What kind of information do your visitors need access to? Do you require a directory listing, maps, or event schedules?

According to a survey by the International Facility Management Association, the top five most critical features for a touch screen directory are maps, directories, wayfinding, building information, and emergency information. Knowing what information your visitors need can help you choose a touchscreen directory that meets their needs and enhances their experience.

Also, according to a study by Axiom, 63% of customers prefer businesses that offer interactive information and wayfinding systems.

By selecting a touch screen directory that provides visitors with the information they need in a user-friendly format, you can improve the visitor experience and boost the reputation of your commercial real estate building.

Besides, consider any unique requirements your building may have, such as multilingual support or compatibility with existing software systems.

  1.  Consider the Size & Layout of the Building

When selecting a touch screen directory for your commercial real estate building, it's essential to consider the size and layout of the building.

The placement of touch screen directories should be strategically located in areas that receive high foot traffic and are easily accessible to visitors.

For example, larger buildings may require multiple touchscreen directories throughout the facility to ensure easy wayfinding.

Moreover, wall-mounted touch screen directories may be more suitable for smaller buildings, while kiosk-style touch screen directories better fit larger buildings with open spaces.

By taking into account the size and layout of your building, you can select touchscreen directories that provide optimal visibility and accessibility for your visitors.

  1.  Decide on the Type of Touch Screen Directory

Choosing the correct type of touchscreen directory is critical in providing a positive experience for visitors in your commercial real estate building.

Various types of touchscreen directories are available, including kiosk and wall-mounted options, each with its unique set of benefits and drawbacks.

Kiosk touch screen directories provide a larger display and can often include additional features such as printing and scanning capabilities, but may take up more floor space.

On the other hand, wall-mounted touchscreen directories take up less space and can be more aesthetically pleasing but may have a smaller screen size.

Selecting the correct type of touchscreen directory will depend on your specific needs and preferences.

  1.  Choose a User-Friendly Interface

Selecting a touchscreen directory with a user-friendly interface will ensure visitors can quickly and easily find the information they need. The user interface should be simple and straightforward, with simple and clear instructions.

Visitors should be able to locate the directory quickly, search for specific locations, and view maps and directories without difficulty.

Selecting a touch screen directory with a responsive and reliable touch screen ensures that visitors can interact with the display without encountering delays or technical issues.

A user-friendly interface can enhance the visitor experience and reduce frustration, improving overall customer satisfaction.

  1.  Check for Compatibility 

Before finalizing your selection of a touchscreen directory, it's essential to check for compatibility with your existing systems and infrastructure.

The touch screen directory should be compatible with your building's Wi-Fi network, software systems, and any other related technologies. You must also ensure the touch screen directory is compatible with the content you plan to display, including maps, directories, and other relevant information.

By verifying compatibility, you can avoid potential technical issues and ensure seamless integration of the touchscreen directory into your existing systems, resulting in a more efficient and effective wayfinding system for your visitors.


Touch screen directories are an essential investment for commercial real estate buildings, providing numerous benefits to building owners and visitors. With its growing popularity, visitors are already familiar with this interface type, making it an intuitive and accessible solution.

Whether you opt for a kiosk, interactive, mobile, or wall-mounted touchscreen directory, the advantages of touchscreen directories in commercial real estate are clear. So, why not invest in a touchscreen directory and enhance the visitor experience in your building today?

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