
6 Best Ways To Use A Credit Card

Credit cards are one of the most versatile tools in a consumer’s arsenal. They allow you to make purchases with credit and give access to special rewards and perks that otherwise won’t be available without them. 

Here are some of the best ways to use a credit card:

1. Build A Credit History

A credit card can be a great way to build a positive credit history, which is your record of handling your financial obligations, including paying bills on time and making timely payments on loans and other debts. Good credit can help you get lower interest rates when borrowing money to purchase a house or car.

Getting that first card may not be as difficult as many people think, but when thinking of what to consider before choosing a credit card, there are some key steps you should know:

  • Decide what type of card you want—and why.

  • Research different brands and features.

  • Apply for several offers (the more applications, the better).

    2. Reward Points

You can use a credit card in many ways, and one of these is getting reward points. With this option, you can earn rewards points for all your purchases. You can use these points for merchandise, travel, gift cards, or cashback on future purchases. This is also an excellent way to save money and earn back on your spending.

3. Insurance Coverage

Many credit cards offer various types of insurance coverage, including extended warranty protection and travel-related benefits, such as trip cancellation and lost baggage reimbursement. 

Make sure you understand your credit card coverage before you book your flight or buy that big-ticket item. For example, many cards provide baggage delay coverage per person per trip in part when traveling by air, but this only applies when you use an eligible travel reward method (like a flight ticket) for the purchase. You won’t get any compensation for carrying on or checking a bag if it doesn’t go with one of these methods.

4. Pay On Time And In Full Each Month

Avoiding interest charges is the most obvious benefit of paying your credit card bills on time and in full each month. If you don’t pay the balance in full, you’ll incur interest fees and potentially even penalty charges if you don’t pay your account balance within a certain period.

Your credit score can also be affected by how well you manage and use credit cards—and not just because missing or late payments will ding your score. Some lenders might see multiple inquiries for new accounts as a sign that you aren’t financially responsible. Thus, applying for new cards may hurt more than it helps if you do it too often or at the wrong time (like right before an annual free-credit-report request). However, if you spread out applications over several months or years while still making all payments on time, this won’t have much effect on your overall score.

Finally, keeping older open accounts active is generally good practice because closing them could negatively affect short-term access to funds during emergencies and long-term access to financing options like loans and mortgages.

5. Get Price Protection

Price protection is one of the most helpful features you can get with a credit card. Price protection is an insurance policy that covers your purchase if the item you bought goes on sale after purchase, allowing you to get a lower price.

You’ll have to learn how it works, though, because there are several restrictions and exclusions. Some cards may only offer this coverage for just seven days after purchase and only for another specified period. You should also check if the item you’re purchasing needs to be from an authorized retailer or not (some cards offer protection on unauthorized purchases too).

If your card does offer these protections and you buy something covered by them within its time frame, then all will be well. However, many do not, so ensure you read up on any terms and conditions before buying anything grand, just in case.

6. Use It For Big Purchases

It’s better to use a credit card than cash sometimes because of low-interest rates and other benefits. Therefore, you can use it for:

  • Big purchases: Remodeling a kitchen? A new car? Any plans of traveling soon? These are all excellent reasons to use your credit card and reap the rewards.

  • Emergency cases: You can’t predict what life will throw at you, but if you do get into an emergency and need money quickly, having a line of credit available is a surefire way to handle any problems that can arise unexpectedly. Your bank will usually allow you to access this money via electronic transfer within 24 hours, which could save the day if there’s an emergency while traveling abroad or even locally.


As you can see, credit cards are a powerful financial tool. They offer convenience and flexibility in your spending but also come with a few risks if not used properly. Like any other tool, it’s vital to know how best to use them so that they won’t cause problems down the road.

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