
Key Factors to Consider When Choosing Delaware Statutory Trust Company

Delaware Statutory Trusts (DSTs) have become an increasingly popular investment option for individuals and organizations seeking to diversify their portfolios and enjoy potential tax benefits. If you're considering investing in a Delaware Statutory Trust, evaluating several key factors is crucial before making your decision. This article will explore the essential elements when choosing Delaware Statutory Trust companies.


Experience and Expertise

One of the first factors to evaluate is the experience and expertise of the DST company. Look for a company with a proven track record in managing DSTs and a thorough understanding of the legal and operational aspects involved. Consider how long the company has been in business and whether they have successfully managed various properties.


Reputation and Credibility

The reputation and credibility of such a company are paramount. Research the company's background, read reviews and testimonials, and check if they are associated with professional organizations or industry certifications. A reputable company should have a solid reputation for transparency, ethical practices, and delivering on its promises.


Property Selection and Diversification

When choosing a company, it's important to assess its property selection and diversification strategy. A reliable company should offer diverse investment options across various sectors and geographic locations. This diversity helps mitigate risks and enhances the potential for long-term returns.


Investment Minimums and Fees

Consider the investment minimums and fees associated with the Delaware Statutory Trust company. Different companies may have varying minimum investment requirements, and the fees can also differ. Ensure that the investment minimum is within your budget, and carefully review the fee structure to understand what you are paying for and how it will impact your overall returns.


Tax Considerations

One of the significant advantages of investing in a Delaware Statutory Trust is the potential tax benefits. However, the tax implications can vary depending on the specific investment and your circumstances. It is crucial to consult with a qualified tax professional who can guide you through the tax considerations associated with investing in a DST and help you understand the potential benefits and obligations.


Risk Management and Due Diligence

Another crucial factor to consider when choosing a Delaware Statutory Trust company is its risk management and due diligence approach. A reputable company should have a robust process to evaluate potential investments thoroughly. This includes conducting extensive due diligence on properties, assessing market conditions, and identifying potential risks.


Exit Strategy and Liquidity

Evaluate the exit strategy and liquidity options the company provides. Understand how and when you can sell your investment if needed. Some companies may offer secondary markets or buyback programs that provide liquidity, while others may have limitations on selling your shares. It's essential to clearly understand the exit strategy before committing your funds.


Investor Support and Communication

Consider the level of investor support and communication the company provides. A reliable company should offer regular updates and transparent communication regarding the performance of the investments. Look for a company that values investor relationships and is readily available to address any questions or concerns you may have.



Choosing Delaware Statutory Trust companies requires careful consideration of various factors. Evaluate the company's experience, reputation, property selection, fees, tax considerations, exit strategy, and investor support. By thoroughly assessing these key factors, you can make an informed decision and maximize the potential benefits of investing in a Delaware Statutory Trust. Remember, it's always advisable to consult with financial and tax professionals to ensure your investment aligns with your financial goals and objectives.

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