
Guide to Becoming More Investable

In a world where the global investment market is a mind-blowing $120 trillion behemoth, who wouldn't be intrigued by the idea of upping their game and transforming into an irresistible magnet for investors

With the competitive landscape growing fiercer every single day, it's absolutely crucial to stay ahead of the curve and make yourself sparkle amidst the sea of investors. Time to grab your shades, because your future's looking bright!


In this guide, we'll dive deep into the reasons that may make you appear uninvestable and offer actionable steps to help you become more attractive to lenders. Whether it's buying your first home, starting your own business, or simply wanting to improve your credit score, we've got you covered. Let's get started!

Why Investability Matters 

As an entrepreneur, you know that securing funding is often one of the biggest challenges you'll face. But have you ever wondered what makes a business more likely to attract the financial support it needs? It all comes down to investability, and it's something that every entrepreneur should keep in mind.

Investability plays a vital role in the relationship between entrepreneurs and investors. By being considered investable, your business will not only have a better chance of obtaining funding, but it can also help you establish strong connections with potential partners, customers, and other key players in your industry.

When investors, like venture capitalists or angel investors, are looking for promising businesses to support, they pay close attention to factors that affect investability. These include having a well-thought-out business plan, an understanding of market potential, a talented team with relevant experience, and a competitive edge over similar businesses.

On the contrary, if you don't meet those investability key factors, the only resort you have left is to use a hard money lender. While hard money lenders charge higher rates, they don't look at your credit score, DTI ratio and other investability factors required by most traditional lenders.

Now let’s dive into the 10 factors that make you look more investable!

10 Ways To Become More Investable

  1. Establish Your Value Proposition 

Here are a few tips:


  1. Identify your unique skills and strengths. What sets you apart from others in your industry? Consider your experiences, education, and personal qualities that make you an asset.

  1. Define your target market. Who would benefit from your services? By understanding your ideal customers, you can tailor your value proposition to meet their needs.

  1. Communicate your value proposition clearly. Make sure your messaging is consistent across all platforms, including your website, specialized social media, and marketing materials.


By addressing these factors and establishing your value proposition, you can present yourself as a strong investment opportunity. Don't let incorrect credit reports and other obstacles hold you back from achieving your financial goals. Take proactive steps to establish your value proposition and become more investable.

  1. Develop and Leverage Strategic Relationships 

One of the biggest challenges facing entrepreneurs and business owners is securing funding for their venture. Often, the key factor standing in the way of securing investments is the lack of strategic relationships with key players in the industry.

Developing and leveraging strategic relationships is a critical component of building a successful business. By networking with professionals in your field and establishing strong connections, you can become more investable and attract the funding you need to grow your business.

Here are a few tips for developing and leveraging strategic relationships:


  1. Attend industry events and conferences. This is a great way to meet other professionals in your field and build new relationships. Make sure to come prepared with business cards and a friendly attitude.

  1. Join professional organizations and groups. By becoming a member of industry associations, you can gain access to valuable resources and opportunities to network with other members. This can lead to new connections and potential investors.

  1. Offer value to others. One of the best ways to build relationships is to provide value to others before asking for anything in return. This could include sharing your expertise, providing referrals, or offering to help with a project.

  1. Be strategic and intentional. Make sure you're focusing your networking efforts on building relationships with individuals and organizations that align with your business goals and values. It's also important to be intentional about your networking efforts, setting goals and objectives to help you track your progress.


  1. Demonstrate Financial Acumen

If you're struggling to secure funding for your business, one factor that could be holding you back is a lack of financial acumen. Simply put, potential investors want to see that you have a clear understanding of your financial situation and a solid plan for managing and growing your business.

So how can you go about demonstrating financial acumen? Here are a few tips:

  1. Be transparent about your finances. This means being honest about any potential risks or challenges, as well as presenting accurate financial statements and projections. Investors want to see that you have a realistic understanding of your financial situation and are actively managing your finances.

  1. Use financial metrics to measure success. Metrics such as revenue, profit margin, and return on investment can demonstrate your financial acumen and show potential investors the potential for growth and profitability.

  1. Have a solid financial plan. Make sure you have a clear plan for how you will use any funding you receive to achieve your business goals. This could include a detailed budget, cash flow projections, and a timeline for achieving key milestones.

  1. Seek financial expertise when necessary. Don't be afraid to seek out experts, such as financial advisors or accountants, for guidance on financial management. This can help you make informed decisions and present a strong financial plan to potential investors.

  1. Showcase Leadership Potential

Attracting potential investors is often a challenge for entrepreneurs and business owners due to perceived issues in their leadership capabilities. Showcasing your leadership potential is essential in order to maximize the chances of securing the funding you need for success. Here are some tips for demonstrating your leadership capabilities:

  1. Investors want to see that you have extensive knowledge of your market and sector, so be sure to display that expertise through publications and speaking engagements. Doing this will also help set you apart from competitors by showcasing your unique abilities and experiences.

  1. Demonstrate past successes and how they can benefit the current venture, providing metrics wherever possible such as revenue growth or customer retention rate to show tangible results. This can give investors added confidence in your ability to deliver successful outcomes in future projects.

  1. Show investors that your team is robust, having the right resources in place such as personnel or office space, hiring talent from external sources when necessary, and fostering a collaborative working environment where everyone can contribute their best work unhindered.

  1. Having a clear vision of what you want to accomplish with the company over time can increase investor confidence in your capabilities as a leader - make sure you're able to articulate these objectives including any milestones or succession plans (if applicable).

Investors want reassurance that investing in your venture will bring positive results - by showcasing strong management abilities you can convince them that it's worth taking the opportunity. Focus on improving upon existing skill sets and demonstrating why backing you is advantageous for both parties.

  1. Highlight Relevant Experience, Skills, and Traits

Entrepreneurs often need help to secure investor capital due to a perceived lack of experience or leadership qualities. This can be a significant obstacle when growing a business and attracting funding. Investors want to see that an entrepreneur has the necessary skills, experience, and traits to lead a successful business before investing their money. 

The challenge is how to effectively communicate and highlight these important factors to potential investors. This is where highlighting relevant experience, skills, and traits becomes crucial.

Here are some tips to help you showcase your strengths effectively:

  1. Develop a clear and consistent personal brand that reflects your unique value proposition and positions you as a leader in your industry.

  2. Highlight your professional and educational experience that directly relates to your business and the industry you are operating.

  3. Highlight your skills that are relevant to your business and demonstrate how they contribute to your success.

  4. Provide examples of how you have used your skills and experience to achieve results in your business and show how these achievements demonstrate your potential as a leader.

  5. Share your personal traits that make you a successful entrepreneur, such as your drive, passion, and resilience.

  1. Embrace Networking Opportunities

Are you finding that your business is not gaining traction despite your strong business plan and expertise in your field? If this is the case, you might not be taking full advantage of networking opportunities in your industry. 

This can be a major roadblock to success, as networking plays a crucial role in building relationships and gaining access to valuable resources. To overcome this obstacle, embracing networking opportunities and making the most of every chance to connect with others in your industry is important. 

Here are some tips on how to do just that:

  1. Industry events provide excellent opportunities to meet other entrepreneurs, investors, and industry experts. Research upcoming events in your area and make a plan to attend those that are relevant to your business. Be sure to come prepared with business cards and a pitch that highlights your experience, skills, and unique value proposition.

  1. Joining a professional organization related to your industry can help you establish yourself as an expert in your field and connect with like-minded individuals. These organizations often host networking events and provide valuable resources and support to members.

  1. Social media platforms like LinkedIn, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter provide easy ways to connect with other professionals in your industry. Share relevant content, engage with others in your field, and participate in industry-related conversations to build your online presence and expand your network.

  1. Networking isn't just about meeting new people, it's also about building relationships with those you've already met. Follow up with contacts after events, schedule coffee meetings to learn more about their work, and look for opportunities to collaborate on projects.

  1. Focus on Personal Brand Development 

Investors look for businesses that stand out from the crowd and have a strong identity that resonates with their target audience. However, building a personal brand and establishing your reputation can be challenging, especially if you're just starting out in your industry.

To overcome these personal branding challenges and secure funding for your business, you need to focus on developing your brand identity and showcasing your unique strengths and qualities. Here are some tips on how to do so:

  1. Identify your unique skills, experiences, and values that set you apart from others in your industry. Develop a personal mission statement that articulates your values and what you aim to achieve in your industry.

  1. Build a website and establish social media profiles that showcase your professional experience and accomplishments. Use these platforms to share content that highlights your expertise and insights within your industry. To run a profitable SMM campaign you will need a professional to do so, and to get a website, you need to pay the cost of hiring a software developer and hold the hardware expenditures, unless you hire an outsourced team, or use no-code platforms to create a website on your own.

  1. Connect with like-minded professionals in your industry, seek out mentors, and ask for recommendations from experts. Your network can provide you with important insights and recommendations that can help you build your personal brand and secure funding.

  1. Participate in industry events, volunteer your skills to your industry, and create solutions to problems within your field. Prove your value and establish your credibility within your industry by providing solutions for others.


  1. Strengthen Your Creditworthiness and History of Repayment

If you have a history of late payments, defaulted accounts, or other credit mishaps, it can seriously damage your creditworthiness and make it difficult to secure loans, mortgages, or other forms of financing. This is where improving your creditworthiness and history of repayment can make all the difference. Here are some tips to help you strengthen your creditworthiness:

  1. One of the most important factors that affect your credit score is your payment history. Late payments can damage your credit score and make it harder to secure financing. Make sure you pay your bills on time, every time.

  1. Another factor that affects your credit score is your credit utilization rate. This is the amount of credit you use compared to the amount of credit you have available. Aim to keep your credit utilization below 30% to improve your creditworthiness.

  1. Regularly check your credit report to make sure it's accurate and up to date. If you spot any errors, dispute them with the credit bureau to have them corrected.

  1. If you don't have a credit history or your credit history is limited, start building a positive credit history by opening a credit card or loan account and making timely payments.

  1. If you're struggling with debt and credit issues, consider seeking the help of a credit counseling agency. They can provide you with valuable advice and resources to help you manage your finances and improve your creditworthiness.

By following these tips, you can strengthen your creditworthiness and history of repayment, making it easier to secure financing and achieve your financial goals.

  1. Engage in Professional Capacity Building Activities  

The world of finance can be harsh, and one mistake on your credit report can keep you from getting the loans and investments you need. If you're looking to become more investable and secure your financial future, then you need to be aware of potential roadblocks that can hold you back. 

One key way to increase your investability is by engaging in professional capacity building activities.

Professional capacity building activities are valuable opportunities to develop your knowledge, skills and network in your industry. Not only do these activities help you stay up to date with the latest trends, but they also look good on your resume and show investors that you take your career seriously. 

According to a study by the National Bureau of Economic Research, workers who engage in professional development activities earn up to 10% more than those who don't.

There are many ways to engage in professional capacity building activities. Here are some suggestions:


  1. Take online courses and webinars in your field to expand your knowledge and keep up with the latest trends.

  1. Consider getting certified in your industry to demonstrate your expertise and commitment.

  1. Join relevant professional organizations to gain access to additional resources and networking opportunities.

  1. Maintain Open and Transparent Communication with Investors  

In today's highly competitive business environment, maintaining a strong and positive relationship with investors is crucial to the success of any organization. 

Investors want to know what they're investing in, and they want to know the risks involved. By maintaining open and transparent communication with investors, you show your commitment to your business and your ability to manage risk. This can be the foundation for a strong relationship between you and your investors, and can lead to more successful outcomes for everyone involved.

As Warren Buffett once said, It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently. 

Maintaining open and transparent communication with investors requires effort and diligence. Here are some tips to help you get started:


  1. Develop a clear, concise pitch that explains your business, your goals, and your plan for success.

  1. Be prepared to answer tough questions about your business model, your competition, and your financial projections.

  1. Provide regular updates to your investors on your progress and any roadblocks you're facing.

  1. Be honest about risks and challenges, and offer solutions for how you plan to overcome them.

  1. Be responsive to investor requests and queries, and provide detailed information in a timely manner.

Related Questions

  1. What are some common mistakes people make when trying to become more investable? 

Common mistakes people make when trying to become more investable include failing to diversify their investment portfolio, not having a clear investment strategy, and not properly researching investment opportunities.

  1. How can improving your credit score make you more investable? 

Improving your credit score can make you more investable because it demonstrates financial responsibility and a track record of paying back debt. A higher credit score can also help you qualify for lower interest rates on loans and credit, which can free up more money for investing.

  1. What are some steps you can take to improve your credit score? 

Steps you can take to improve your credit score include paying bills on time, keeping credit card balances low, disputing errors on your credit report, and avoiding opening too many new lines of credit at once.

  1. How can having a clear financial plan helps you become more investable? 

Having a clear financial plan can help you become more investable because it shows that you have a specific goal in mind and a strategy for achieving it. This can make you more attractive to investors who want to see a well-thought-out plan before committing to their funds.

  1. What role does risk tolerance play in becoming more investable? 

Risk tolerance plays a significant role in becoming more investable because it determines how much risk you are willing to take on in your investment portfolio. Investors will often look at a person's risk tolerance when deciding whether or not to invest in their business or ideas. Understanding your own risk tolerance can help you make better investment decisions and become more investable.


Becoming more investable requires a multi-faceted approach that involves developing a strong value proposition, cultivating strategic relationships, demonstrating financial acumen and leadership potential, and highlighting relevant experience and skills. 

By following these strategies, individuals and businesses can enhance their appeal to investors and increase their chances of securing funding.

So, start implementing these strategies today and take the first step towards a more successful and sustainable future. Don't forget to share this guide with others who may benefit from it.

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