
How to Go About Hiring a Lobbying Firm? 3 Key Steps to Get the Best Experience


Lobbying is not just for the rich and powerful. It is a process that allows companies and people the ability to influence policy decisions and legislation. It can be vital if the concern is in a niche area and one that politicians don’t often focus on in their campaigns. 

Large corporations such as pharmaceutical companies tend to lobby for laws that make it easier for drug approval and lower restrictions on advertising to consumers. Similarly, a lot of lobbying goes on in the energy sector to adjust regulations on oil and gas drilling.

It is obvious that lobbying is an important legal process, and contrary to your expectations, even the average person can engage in lobbying, provided they know what to do. While it may not be as easy to lobby the government on an individual level, there are several lobbying firms that help individuals in their lobbying efforts. 

However, how do you choose a lobbying firm? What qualities should you be looking for? Well, that’s exactly what we’ll be looking at in today’s article.

1. Location

Finding the best lobbying firms can be as challenging as bringing about change in the government. There are some parts of the country that have an advantage that you might not expect. Lobbying firms in Boston, MA, can be more effective due to the close connection that many of the lobby firms here have with politicians and congress officials in Washington, D.C. 


Boston is also home to many of the top universities that conduct a lot of research that often collaborate and work with the government, such as Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Thus, the location of the lobbying firm can also play a significant role. 

Boston lobbying firm like Corry Associates can be a good option in this regard, as they seem to have considerable experience dealing with clients at different levels. 

2. Are They Well Connected?

Ultimately, one of the biggest advantages that come with hiring a lobbying firm is the pre-existing connections that they have managed to establish with lawmakers and people of power within the government. Thus, it makes sense to spend some time researching the sort of impact the lobbying firm can have. 


It can be worth it to enquire as to what level of influence will be targeted. You will need to ask the firm about its network of contacts, including elected officials, staff, and other stakeholders. You will also want to approach a firm that has sufficient expertise in the industry if you’re seeking lobbying assistance. 

This is vital as you want to ensure that the people lobbying for you know what they are talking about and are already familiar with the relevant laws, important focus points, and other aspects related to your concerns. 

The last thing you want is for the lobbying firm that you hire to draw a blank if they need to answer tough questions by the very people they are trying to lobby.

3. Research Their Track Record

Now suppose it all checks out, and they are indeed well connected. Your research shouldn’t end there. Remember, a lot of these firms will cost you a good amount, so there is no harm in really putting in some research. This is why digging into their track record can be extremely useful. You can simply visit their website and peruse their past case studies, testimonials, and news articles that talk about their work. 

Any good lobbying firm should have no problem providing you with examples and records of their past work. 

Typically, these are all going to be positive, but it can give you some clarity on their lobbying power and efficacy, especially if their past clients have been notable or if they have dealt successfully with difficult lobbying topics. There are a lot of resources that can help you learn how to properly research a company.


Researching a lobbying firm is simply part and parcel of making use of their services. It allows you to be confident that your money is being spent well and towards a firm that can enact change.

Remember that it may also be worth digging a little deeper, talking to former clients, and learning about the experience they have had. You can also reach out to legislators and government officials and find out if they have had any experience in dealing with the lobbying firm that you are hoping to work with.

Usually, they may be limited in the sort of information that they can provide, but it doesn’t hurt to try your luck. 

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