Auto insurance is just as important as a car. Almost every country in the world requires drivers to have some kind of car insurance policy. Car accidents are very common, dangerous, and very expensive. Car insurance saves you and the other driver from getting in a financial accident as well.
But since the auto insurance industry is so vast, and complicated with many terms and conditions, doing even the simple things can be a bit confusing. For example, what is the process of transferring auto insurance from one car to another?
Thankfully, while this process might feel confusing, it is not at all complicated. But if not done correctly, it can lead to you losing money, paying more for the same policy, missing out on great new policies, or worse, getting your insurance rates hiked.
So here’s everything you need to know about transferring your car insurance from one car to another, and all the different ways you can save money while transferring the policies.
Let’s say that you already have a car, but you have decided to sell it. You get a swanky new car. You do not need to buy a new car insurance policy (you can, but that would be an unnecessary step). You should transfer the policy you already have. But how?
Step 1: Contact Your Insurer
Right after you have sold your previous car and registered the new car, you’ll have to contact your car insurance company, or the insurance agent and let them know about the new car.
Tell them that you wish to transfer your car insurance policy to the new car. It can also be done online with many insurance companies, or through their application. This process will take around 1 or 2 days. But in some cases, it can take more.
The insurance transfer cannot be done unless the car insurance company has all the details about your new car. But do not worry, they do not need all the documents and information about your car. Insurance companies usually require:
This is usually all the information car insurance companies need during insurance transfer, but your insurance company might ask for additional information as well. After you have submitted all the necessary information, the transfer process will begin and you’ll have insurance policies active for your new car.
You must be thinking about why car insurance companies require people to give these particular details about the car. Each of these details is used to decide your new car insurance rates. Auto insurance companies use your car’s details as a price-deciding factor.
The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is needed to register your car (and identify it) by the car insurance company. The make and model of the car are used by the insurance company to get details about the car such as price, features, etc.
You pay a specified amount as your car insurance premium. This amount is decided by taking in different factors such as your driving record, insurance claims, age, gender, credit score, etc. But does your premium rate change after you have transferred the car insurance? Try getting car insurance rates cheap at
The car that you already had is used, and its market value has depreciated. If you are getting a brand new car, it is obvious that the new car will be much more expensive than the old one. And expensive cars attract expensive insurance premium rates.
So yes, when you transfer your car insurance to another car, and the other car costs more than your previous car (in terms of market value), then your insurance premium rates will increase.
But other factors might affect your insurance rates as well. Getting safer cars with better safety features might affect your insurance rates positively. But no matter what, when you transfer your car insurance from one car to another, expect a price difference.
This is why transferring your car insurance can be used as a great opportunity to get better car insurance policies and save a lot of money. Let’s take a look at how you can save a lot of money on car insurance policies and get even better auto insurance than what you currently have.
Before you transfer your car insurance, why not add just one extra step and look for a new, better, and much more affordable car insurance company? It is always beneficial for you to check the coverage and prices of different auto insurance companies every once in a while.
Compare what car insurance companies are offering, the prices of their policies, and the coverage offered. Use the power of the internet and get quotes from multiple insurers. Also, be state-specific. This will get you the most accurate quotes.
For example, if you live in Nevada, search for cheap car insurance in Nevada and compare all the insurers’ prices. Select the one with the best coverage at the best price. Do not always go for the lowest-priced option. Coverage and price both are equally important.
Since you are changing cars, it could be the right time to either drop some policies or add some new ones. If you are getting a new car, then getting collision and comprehensive insurance would be great. These two policies would save you a lot of money if your car is damaged or stolen.
If you are planning on getting a used car, then dropping your collision and comprehensive policy could be considered if the car is older than 8 years. This would save you a lot of money and in case your car gets damaged, paying it from your pocket would still be a better option.
So that was all about how you can transfer auto insurance from one car to another and save some money while doing so. Stay insured and drive safe.