
A Long-Term Solana Strategy for Short-Term Investors

With Solana currently experiencing a rapid increase in demand, and a value expected to increase when compared to both USD and EUR, with slight growths against AUD and GBP, investors are considering ways to improve the chances of turning a profit with this particular crypto. Although short-term investment and long-term trading may not always go hand in hand, there are a few strategies that can merge the two ambitions and provide a viable solution for traders. In this post, we’ll be taking a look at one particular strategy that may pay off if done right - especially where timing is concerned.

Solana Is a Credible Crypto

Perhaps what defines Solana the most is its credibility. With a high yield and a frequent growth pattern, many investors have come to consider this form of cryptocurrency one of the safest on the market. Right now, Solana to USD value is at $19.54 USD, an increase of just over 4% in the past 24 hours, with the next few weeks looking set for minor reductions and then growth again.

It is worth noting that at the time of writing, all figures are accurate, but as with all cryptocurrencies, valuations can be prone to changing daily. 

One particular factor relating to Solana is that it is one of the few forms of crypto with recognizable patterns in its fluctuations. Just last week, at the beginning of July 2023, Solana reached a seven-day high of $19.99. By using this data it can be possible to identify market trends for the week ahead and then create a strategy based on investment potential.

This won’t be needed though, especially as this long-term strategy is a waiting game that can be cashed in during the start of 2024.

Will Solana Rise Again?

Yes, in fact, all experts are expecting this to occur. It seems that the best day to purchase this cryptocurrency is toward the end of the week based on personal research performed by solo traders. Although many investors are hoping that the price of Solana will reach its all-time high of $260 (1 Solana equaled $260) back in November of 2021, this isn’t expected to happen anytime this year.

One good thing that lends to the strategy being covered in this article, however, is the fact that by the end of 2023, Solana is expected to drop to a value of just $14.25 - almost 20 times less than what it sold for just two years ago. The benefit of this is that Solana is currently trading at a moderate pace, allowing those with the budget to secure the crypto at its current value of just over $19.

By doing so on a weekly basis, fluctuations can be avoided and by the third quarter, the value will have declined so substantially, that when it inevitably increased by Jan-Feb 2024, all Solana can be traded to make a substantial profit. By purchasing weekly during this decline, the cost per piece of Solana will become gradually lower, making this a highly effective strategy to invest over time, and then turn a profit ready for the first quarter of 2024.

With so many leading experts predicting that Solana will reduce in value before experiencing a rapid increase, pursuing this strategy could be hugely beneficial for investors, especially those that want to sit back and allow their long-term investment to bear fruit.

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