
Saving a Smoker's Daily Budget: Top Tips

Recent years could be called “years of decreasing stability”. This concerns both safety and financial situation. Under such circumstances, many of us are reconsidering how we live. One of the habits that fall under review is smoking.

Smoking can be an expensive habit that drains a significant amount of money from a smoker's budget each day when they need to buy from a tobacco or vape shop. However, quitting smoking can be a challenging process that requires a lot of personal dedication and support from others. For some people, it takes a titanic effort to stop using nicotine. They need patience and love from the people around them, and they, in turn, cannot always understand and provide the necessary support.

If you are not ready to give up smoking altogether, but you still wish to save some extra money, here are some top tips that may help you reduce your daily spending on cigarettes in vape shops (

Cut back gradually

If quitting smoking is not your preferred option, cutting back gradually might be a proper choice for your health and wallet. Here are some tips on how to do that without extra stress:

     Set a limit: Decide on a specific number of cigarettes you will allow yourself to smoke daily. Reducing your daily cigarette intake by one or two cigarettes each day can be a good start.

     Smoking breaks – a perfect plan: spacing out your smoking breaks throughout the day instead of smoking multiple cigarettes in a row might be helpful not only to train your willpower but also to allow the body to get used to a lower amount of nicotine in the blood.

     Delay the first cigarette: Start the day with a cup of coffee or tea, not a cigarette. Use any possible way to delay the time you fire your first cigarette in the morning by an hour or more each day.

     Avoid smoking triggers: Identify those situations or triggers that increase your cigarette craving, such as partying or gathering with colleagues, and avoid them as much as possible. Choose restaurants with no-smoking zones. You might also change your usual way of work so that you do not automatically stop for a smoking break in the place where you have been doing that for years.

     Substitute a cigarette with something else: When you feel the urge to smoke, try using such distractions as chewing gum, drinking water, reading a page of a novel, or exercising instead.

     Reward yourself: Reward yourself for reaching milestones in your smoking reduction goals. For example, treat yourself to a music concert or a nice meal after a few days without smoking.

Switch to a cheaper brand

Consider switching to a more affordable brand of cigarettes. While the taste may be different, it can significantly reduce your daily cigarette spending. However, never neglect the quality of the filters and tobacco in cigarettes. This might worsen your health, which is not an aim at all. So, check the brand's quality carefully before you start using the brand daily.

Roll your own cigarettes

Rolling your own cigarettes can be cost-effective, as loose tobacco is often cheaper than pre-rolled cigarettes. This may require practice or buying a particular cigarette machine, but it can save you a lot of money in the long run. So if you do not plan to quit smoking, this is one of the best options.

Use coupons and discounts

Look for coupons and discounts on cigarettes. Many manufacturers offer promotional deals that can assist you in saving money on your purchases.

Consider vaping

If you are only talking about using a specific dose of nicotine, then vaping can be a less expensive alternative to smoking cigarettes. Many people do change because of financial issues. While there is an initial cost to purchase the vaping device, if you choose the right vape shop, in perspective, e-liquids can be less expensive than traditional cigarettes. Moreover, vaping might diversify your smoking activities with flavors for e-liquids.

Buy in bulk

Buying cigarettes in bulk can be a cost-effective option. Some vape shops may offer more significant discounts when you buy several packs at once. More coupons and discounts are available for that buying in larger quantities. For example, my vapor store offers an extra bottle of e-liquid after I buy 10. What is more, some retailers offer discount clubs or loyalty programs for regular customers, which you can really benefit from.

Install a Quit Smoking App

Today the developers offer a wide range of free apps that can help you track your nicotine intake habits and offer support to help you quit smoking. Using these apps may help you become more aware of the time and money you spend on smoking and help you reduce your daily spending on cigarettes. They give you a feeling controlled, and you subconsciously try to stick to the rules defined by a program.


Today the financial situation of many people is far from being clear. However, this should not mean that you work worse than before. No. It means that the world’s issues and some people’s mistakes are reflected in you. We are all part of the same system that cannot function well if one of the elements gets broken.

Remember, while the aforementioned tips can help you save money on smoking, quitting the habit altogether is the best way to save money and improve your health.
