
ISSIMO Story Agency

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SmartMoneyMatch is partnering with ISSIMO Story Agency in a new research study to help uncover what’s working in impact fundraising in the “new normal.”

As a leader in the impact space, your perspective is important.

By filling out the survey, you’ll get an advanced copy of the study’s findings. The survey should take about 10-15 minutes. As an added bonus, we’re giving away a $20 Amazon gift card to the first 200 survey respondents. Thanks for your participation.
Take the survey


ISSIMO Story Agency helps asset managers and social entrepreneurs attract capital and inspire audiences to their cause through visual storytelling. 
We are an impact focused communications agency. We work with organizations like the responsAbility Investments AGJonathan Rose CompaniesGoldman Sachs FoundationeBaySOCAP, and the Laudato Sì Challenge. Our work has been featured at the United Nations, the Vatican, and salons, and in dozens of countries around the world. 
We believe the shortest distance between two people is a story. Stories are what connects your audience to your organization. We help leaders in impact build bridges to their investor's' hearts and minds by telling the right story.  

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