
The Future of Artificial Intelligence in Education


Artificial Intelligence, commonly referred to as A.I., has been around for some time now and it looks set to continue finding its way into various areas for years to come. With the advantages of AI having been explored in many fields, education hasn’t been left out. In recent years, there has been a push to explore how AI can be used advantageously in education. With so many people interested in Artificial Intelligence, in this article, we will explore the 5 things you can look forward to in the coming years.

Artificial Intelligence In Education: 5 Things To Look Forward To

Even though Artificial Intelligence started in the 1950s, it wasn’t until recently that we have seen an increased interest along with achievements in AI. So this has led many machine learning experts and educators to expect AI to bring these 5 things to the field of education:


     AI Teaching Assistance

     Wider Adoption

     Adaptive learning experience

     More educative apps

     Emphasis on data


1.   AI Teaching Assistance

The jobs of teachers go well beyond just teaching. They are responsible for planning their curriculum, grading papers, helping students with questions, and much more. At times, these other activities end up taking so much of their time that they are no longer able to perform their primary duties effectively. However, with AI, we are seeing a trend where specific tasks are being automated and performed with little or no human intervention.


Today, an AI model can grade the exam scripts of 100 students within seconds - just as fast as best essay service LetsGradeIt can connect you with affordable sites to find talented writers to handle your essay assignments. This ends up saving the average teacher so much time that they can end up devoting that time to other aspects of their job. In the next few years, we can expect to see more advanced uses for AI, such as researching complex topics and returning search results that show the most compatible journals.

2.   Wider Adoption

Currently, we’re seeing many industries adopt the use of AI - from companies using AI to filter job candidates to doctors using AI to spot cancer months or even years ahead, which standard methods can’t do. While not all of these adoptions might be life-altering for mankind, there’s a clear trend that shows that people are getting more interested in what AI can do for them. It is so in the education industry. Yesterday's limitations for AI are being exceeded today, and as long as the trend continues, we should see more educational institutions adopt AI in one form or the other. And while skeptics feel that AI will steal their jobs, it’s been shown that AI, like the forklift, is simply an effective tool to use.

3.   Adaptive learning experience

Every student has their own unique way of learning. For some students, images and videos are a great way to remember complex concepts, while others might require more personal lessons before they can grasp a subject like a pro. Even the best teachers often struggle to provide the same attentive care to each of their students, but AI and education software can handle such tasks with ease.


In the future, you can expect to see machine learning models that can identify students' best learning experiences based on their facial expressions. For instance, if a child appears puzzled when looking at a certain page for an extended period of time, an AI model can recommend additional links that could further clarify what the student is learning. Moreover, AI-enabled educational tools, such as an AI math solver, can significantly enhance students' abilities to solve complex mathematical problems by offering step-by-step solutions and articulating clear explanations. In some cases, these AI models could also provide a teacher with these insights so they can identify and help such students by addressing their direct needs.

4.   More educative apps

Today we have so many apps that apply one or more critical features of artificial intelligence when teaching. For example, the language learning app Duolingo can take users' speech and understand if a word is pronounced correctly. Another example would be how Google Translate can take an image of a text and translate it live.


There are many other apps on the internet today that are being powered by AI, and you can expect more in the future. With more interest in AI, there will likely be more investments, and with investments, software developers will focus their time on creating apps students and teachers alike would be able to benefit from.

5.   Emphasis on data

One key component of the power of AI is data. Without data, there would be nothing for an AI model to learn; thus, they would be useless. In fact, data plays such an important role that the quality of data is also essential. If your data contains much irrelevant information, the AI model might help you sort through it and find the key details you are looking for. This concept is already being tested in marketing.


In the future, when AI is adopted more in the educational industry, there will be a need for more accurate data to be collected on students and teachers alike. As the pandemic has increased our reliance on the Internet of Technology (IoT) devices, the number of data points available has also increased. It would be very helpful in the training of AI models in the future.

In Conclusion

Artificial intelligence looks set to change the educational industry for good, making learning more productive and efficient. Even today, we already see so many things being achieved with the help of AI that its future looks very promising. Whether you’re a student or teacher, there’s much to look out for when it comes to AI in education. Keep your eyes peeled for more implementations of technology and learn about AI to keep your finger on the pulse!

Author’s Bio

Michael Carris is a machine learning expert and freelance academic writer. Through his experiences in building helpful algorithms and helping students achieve better grades on their assignments, Michael has come to understand how the two fields, AI and Education, are related. While he’s passionate about his job, Michael isn’t all about work, as he frequently likes to go dancing with friends.
