
Trademark Registration: 7 Tips For Success

One of the hallmarks of a great business is having an authoritative trademark. Not only does it set your business apart, but it also gives that sense of seriousness and professionalism. This is why it's crucial to carry out trademark registration for your business.

To do this successfully, you would need to consider different factors. This article shares seven tips that can help you register your trademark successfully. 

  1. Hire An Experienced Trademark Attorney 

Getting your trademark registration done can seem like a straightforward business until you get fully involved. This is because of the legal intricacies in the process. Likewise, you can make some mistakes along the way that could be difficult to correct. That is why it’s better to seek legal guidance from a USA trademark attorney. 

These lawyers have the expertise and experience to help you navigate all the intricacies of the trademark registration process. Working with a proficient trademark lawyer would help you understand the process better. It would also give you the leverage to make decisions that will benefit your business now and in the future. 

  1. Check Your Market For Similar Names

When it comes to trademark registrations, one must be careful not to choose an already existing name/design or similar to one in the market. Just because you haven't seen anyone using that name or design, you have the right to use it. Do thorough research in your state and the country. Ensure that no business uses the name/design you have in mind or something similar. This way, it would be easier to protect the rights of your trademark. 

  1. Stay Consistent With Your Marks

It's one thing to register a trademark and another to stay consistent in using it. Your trademark becomes potent when you continue using it. If you stop using that mark and switch to another one, you forfeit your rights to the former trademark. This applies to names and logos alike. If you make any alterations to the name/design, you must be ready for the consequences. 

  1. Think For The Long Haul

Don’t register your trademark without considering the future of your business and how your trademark can affect that. Ask yourself questions that would help you make decisions to benefit your business in the future. One thing you must consider is trademark categories. 

There are two major trademark categories in which you can register your business. These are the services category and the product category. Before you register, consider the possibility of your business changing its type in the coming years. This will help you to avoid the issues that could come up with rebranding in the future. 

  1. Work With All Important Dates

To keep your federal trademark registrations alive and active, you will be required to submit some documents at intervals. You must file a document between the fifth and sixth year and another between the ninth and tenth year following your registration. Because these are years down the road, it is possible to forget the dates. Such negligence may lead to the cancellation of your registration. You can help yourself remember by scheduling these dates on your company or business calendar. 

  1. Keep Domains And Social Media Handles

Every day, businesses are launching websites and creating social media accounts. Domain names and social media handles are quickly snatched up, too. This is why it is vital to check for the domain name and social media handles you plan to use ahead of time. Even if you would not need them right now, it is a safe option to make a reservation early on. This will help you protect the names, handles, and domains that interest you. Currently, handles are free to obtain, and it costs less than $25 to reserve a domain name.  

  1. Register Your Business At The Federal Level

One common misconception with trademark registration is that state registration is enough to provide trademark protection. However, this is not the case. Registering in your state will only grant you the jurisdiction to use that name within the state. It may become problematic once your business expands outside that state, as most states can have companies registered under similar names. Although state registration can indeed keep you going for a start, it is essential to register at the federal level as soon as possible. 


Successful trademark registration is an essential aspect of building a long-lasting business. While the process could be tedious to carry out without any help, you can start your trademark registration by referring to these tips.

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