
Ways to Increase Your Chances of Getting Your Loan Approved

Everyone needs to borrow a loan at some point in time. Whether you want money to consolidate your debts, make home renovations, or buy a car, getting approved for a loan can help you reach your goals faster. Getting denied a loan can be disappointing and annoying, considering the time it took to apply for it and the many things you had planned to spend the money on.

Therefore, it’s paramount that you try all the ways possible to increase your chances of approval. Luckily for you, some lenders, such as My Canada Payday, don’t have a strict screening process or require any collateral from you, making the application pretty straightforward. Here are some ways that can help you stand a better chance of getting your loan approved:

1.    Get Your Credit Report in Shape Before Applying

Your credit score is one of the main factors lenders check to determine whether or not they’ll approve your loan application. It’s vital that you ensure your score is as high as possible before you start the application process. Check your credit report online to determine what your score is. Carefully review the report to ensure there are no inaccuracies or discrepancies. If you find any errors, have them fixed to boost your credit score.

Start making timely payments because late payments usually affect your credit score. Other ways to boost your score include paying any outstanding debts you might have and maintaining your credit card balances low to improve your credit utilization ratio. You should also avoid applying for too much new credit since it can damage your credit score. Doing these things can boost your score and have a better chance of having your loan application accepted.

2.    Choose the Right Lender

Not all lenders are the same. Lenders vary greatly in the amounts they offer, their interest rates, payment terms, and the fee they charge. Some lenders will qualify your application only if you have a high credit score, while others look at other things and don’t focus much on your credit report. This means you can still get approved for a loan with a poor credit score.

Check online to find out the minimum requirements for annual income and credit scores of different lenders. Check if they offer other options such as cosigners. Prequalify for a loan with the lenders that you meet their minimum qualifications. Compare the rates and terms of the different lenders, and choose one that best fits your unique situation to increase your chances of approval.

3.    Consider a Cosigner

Another great way to improve your odds of getting approved for a loan is by adding a cosigner. A cosigner comes in handy, especially when your credit score and income can’t qualify you for favorable terms. Adding a cosigner helps you stand a better chance of qualifying for a loan since they guarantee to pay back the loan if you default. This makes your loan application less risky for the lenders.


There are many simple ways to increase your chances of getting approved for a loan. Now is the right time to start implementing these tips to ensure you’re well-prepared when applying for a loan. This way, you can improve your credit score and find someone willing to cosign for you and a reputable lender that’s well-matched to you. This will make you stand a better chance of getting your loan approved. You’re more likely to get a lower interest rate and more favorable repayment terms.

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