
What Can I Do to Find My Next Toronto-Based Employee?

Publication date: July 26, 2021

Finding employees for your business is a top concern for every employer. With the right workforce, an organization can rise to the top. This is why many organizations secure the assistance of a recruiter when choosing their employees.

A recruiter is a person who finds qualified and suitable candidates for a job position and works to satisfy the demands of both employer and employee during the recruitment process. Most recruiters work independently while others attach themselves to an employment agency.

With many recruitment agencies available, a company needs to be careful when choosing one. Keep in mind your business area of expertise and the job opening it has. For instance, if your firm is seeking engineers, contacting an engineeringrecruitment agency is the best option as they are already specialized in that field. With their skills, your firm will be sure of getting qualified candidates.

Why you should Hire a Recruiter

The following are some reasons to hire a recruiter:

Saves Cost

Most agencies already have positions on top vacancy boards and this ensures that your advert is rightly placed compared to posting with advertising agencies on single terms which is costly. Going through resumes and conducting interviews is equally expensive but you can reduce the workload by contacting an agency. They are also in a better position to negotiate for fair pay and to hire the best candidate.

Extra Services

These recruitment firms carry out background checks, initial interviews, psychometric tests to ensure that the candidates have the skills outlined on their resumes. This can be a tedious and time-consuming process that some companies cannot engage in. There are other beneficial services carried out by various agencies. 

Qualified Candidates

Most job seekers register with recruiters because of how efficient they are and this makes them more accessible to the best talents in the market including those already employed. This makes recruiting the right person easy since there is a database of job applicants. They are also connected to other networks to help you get the right person. 

If you are an applicant and you are searching for what employers look out for in prospective employees, you can read this article.

Saves Time

Time is of the essence and using a recruiter saves your business a lot of it. Since they are already used to handling recruitment procedures, they have their way around scanning through CVs, applications or verifying references and qualifications. Agencies also deal with administrative issues like communicating with successful and unsuccessful applicants which is time-consuming.

Steps to Hiring a Competent Recruiter

Although there are various recruiters available, choosing one demands scrutiny, bearing in mind certain attributes such as professionalism and consistency. There are certain steps to follow to ensure you get the right person for the job and some of them include:


This can be done using different job websites or social media to gain insight into the network level of the recruiter. A professional one will have a wide network of human resources who they connect with regularly about job vacancies. It would also be good to know the companies they work with.


One that is well known for having successful placement will be more ideal to work with than someone unstable and inconsistent in several agencies. Ensure you seek out testimonials from those in the industry to share their experiences.

While we recommend that you check reviews, also bear in mind that they can be manipulated to paint the recruiter in a good light. If you need tips on how to identify fake reviews, you can check here.

Area of Expertise

Most recruiters are versatile but choosing one that specializes in your field is more beneficial. Some are experts in a specific level of skill or industry and this enables them to choose a candidate that is best suited for that role as they are clearly educated on the demands of the job.

Narrow Your Options

As an organization, the temptation to work with different recruitment agencies can look like a good idea. But it is more effective to devote time and effort to just one agency. In this way, your company will build a lasting bond and confidence in their commitment. The recruiter will in turn recommend quality job seekers to your organization.


Many companies today seek the help of recruiters when they have a job opening. They do not choose just any recruitment agency to help them with this and they benefit from picking the best. This article can be useful to your search whether you are a company based in Toronto or any other location.

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