Liquidity provision is the process of connecting buyers and sellers across time and space. This enables supply to meet demand in a timely manner. Liquidity providers are either buyers or sellers and serve a variety of investors. Traders use liquidity providers to purchase and sell stock and to hedge against rising or falling prices of commodities. There are a number of factors that affect liquidity provision. For example, the types of institutions that provide liquidity are important. For example, hedge funds play a major role in liquidity provision. These funds generally adopt nimbler trading strategies, making them important to market liquidity. But in times of stress, their liquidity provision tends to curtail. The recent market turmoil has put liquidity provision under a spotlight. In response to this situation, the Federal Reserve introduced the Term Auction Facility (TAF) last December. TAF auctions predetermined amounts of discount window credit every two weeks. The process is similar to open market operations, but is based on collateralized agreements with depository institutions. Liquidity provision is a crucial part of financial crisis management. The availability of liquid assets is essential to meet the demands of creditors. However, the private sector and individual institutions often cannot keep enough cash on hand to cover all of their short-term liabilities. Therefore, they must look for alternative sources of funding, such as private counterparties. Another form of liquidity provision is through liquidity pools. These liquidity pools help traders trade anonymously while enabling them to earn transaction fees. However, to join a liquidity pool, users must first have access to the cryptocurrency or NFT that they wish to trade. These exchanges are usually operated by major investment banks and cannot be accessed directly by single traders. In such cases, they are only accessible via an online broker. Most of these brokers use ECN/STP networks to facilitate the exchange of trades. A liquidity provider must comply with a set of exchange rules. This framework is outlined in the Eurex Liquidity Provider Agreement (LPA). The LPA provides specific rules regarding liquidity provision and should be followed by all participants. This agreement is a tri-party agreement between Eurex Frankfurt AG, the participants, and Eurex. Financial market regulation can also affect liquidity provision. Regulatory policy should aim to strike the best balance between the benefits of improved safety and soundness and the costs of regulatory changes to market functions and liquidity. But there is one major drawback to such a policy: higher transaction costs. But the end result could be a better functioning financial system and fewer financial crises.