
What Qualities Look for In A Professional Bookkeeper

So, you’re looking for a good bookkeeper? As a business owner, you want reliability, integrity, professionalism, and a good work ethic in your employees or outsourced help. Not to mention, you want them to know what they’re doing.


When conducting interviews, you need to know the qualities of a good bookkeeper to ensure they are the perfect fit for your business. In this article, we’ve listed a few critical things to look for when hiring a bookkeeper. 

When is the right time to get a bookkeeper?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer for this. Having a bookkeeper is definitely beneficial, but it’s unnecessary if you can manage your books effectively by yourself. We’d suggest using your capacity to gauge whether or not you need a bookkeeper. 


Consider this: if you can effectively do your bookkeeping every month without missing deadlines or incurring penalties on tax, then maintain your course of action. However, if things are too busy, which is a good sign for business, then you’ll need to consider hiring a bookkeeper. 

Characteristics to look for in a professional bookkeeper

Want to know the difference between your average bookkeeper and a professional? First off, you’ll always look at their qualifications and experience, but the next key factor is their character. Are they professional through and through? Or are they just good on paper?


Here are some of the top qualities you want to look for in a professional bookkeeper:

  • Pays attention to detail - In business, admin errors can lead to serious financial consequences, and you need a bookkeeper who has an eye for catching mistakes before they start costing you money
  • Is trustworthy - A bookkeeper handles sensitive financial information, so they need to be a person with integrity
  • Has industry experience - Hiring someone with a lot of experience shows they have valuable expertise, and you won’t have to worry about teaching them all the ropes
  • Has good communication skills - They need to be able to understand financial jargon and communicate information of this nature clearly
  • Has experience with technology - With how much tech is used in today’s business world, having an up-to-date bookkeeper will help you stay ahead of the curve
  • Has good time management skills - A big part of a bookkeeper’s job is to ensure the business meets deadlines, which means they need to be able to manage their time effectively 
  • Has good problem-solving skills - One major difference between a good bookkeeper and a professional bookkeeper is their ability to pick up on issues quickly and provide solutions. You don’t just want someone in this position who is only there for the pay needs to be innovative, adaptable and solution-oriented


Why should you get a professional bookkeeper?

Hiring a professional bookkeeper is a smart move for any business. They bring accuracy and expertise, ensuring your accounts are managed correctly and that they comply with the latest tax laws. 


This not only saves you time but also reduces stress, as you won’t have to worry about financial discrepancies or missed deadlines. They can also provide valuable insights into your business's financial health, helping you track income and expenses, manage cash flow, and identify cost-saving opportunities. 


As your business grows, they can scale their services to meet your needs, ensuring your financial management keeps pace with your expansion. Think of getting a bookkeeper as making an initial investment that’ll benefit your business’s financial health, efficiency, and overall productivity.

Helpful questions to ask when hiring a bookkeeper

Tackling interview after interview can be tedious, especially if you don’t know what questions to ask. Here are a few questions that’ll keep your interviews running smoothly and provide you with the info you need to assess candidates:

  1. What salary are you anticipating?

Getting an understanding of how much they expect to get paid will paint a good picture for you of their understanding of industry standards and even their own opinion of their worth. This will also help you budget accordingly and choose a person that fits into your budget well. 

2.                  Are you qualified and registered?

Getting a qualified and registered bookkeeper is always a must. We’d suggest not even considering individuals without qualifications unless in unique circumstances. There are certain tasks bookkeepers need qualifications or certifications to perform. Finding a professional bookkeeper who has these skills would mean that they could hit the road running when you hire them.

3.                  Describe your level of experience.

Ask if they’ve ever done professional bookkeeping before. Bookkeeping services differ with different industries. Some bookkeepers are more experienced and offer comprehensive services like managing supplier bills and payments, creating invoices, checking transaction codes, filing taxes, preparing financial documents, and interpreting reports. Getting the full scope of what a candidate is capable of will help you make a more informed decision about them. 

4.                  How would you deal with sensitive company information?

This isn’t the most common question, but it’s a good one to ask because it’ll put them on the spot, showing you how well they deal under pressure. Data protection is also an important concern when sharing sensitive company information. Bookkeepers should have a good understanding of how to safeguard data.

5.                  Describe your work ethic.

You want a bookkeeper to have a good, consistent work ethic. By consistent, we mean that they work at a steady pace, meet deadlines, and produce good quality work at a similar standard every time. 

6.                  Do You Know My Industry?

This is quite an important question. Professional bookkeepers who have experience in the same industry as you will be an asset to your company. Because they’re familiar with the industry, they won’t need to go through as much training. They’ll also know how to deal with certain procedures and even have experience that adds to your operations. 

Final thoughts

Professional bookkeepers are a good investment for any business. However, choosing the right person for the job also has its own benefits. Finding a bookkeeper who captures the vision of your business, adapts well to your business needs, and gets the job done will be well worth the money. We hope the points above help you find the right person for the job.

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