
Why Traditional Advertising Must Be Part of Your Holistic Marketing Mix

A great marketing campaign aims to be wherever your clients and customers are, and to spend as much time as possible in communication with these consumers and other potential clients, to build your brand. Then, a business hopes to realize the benefits of these activities in the form of increased sales and revenue. For many in business, there has been a marked change in the manner that marketing now takes place. It has all moved online, and everything from shopping to advertising and more is via the internet. However, one of the key aspects to keep in mind and ensure that you practice as a business is the retention of traditional marketing techniques as part of a modern holistic marketing campaign.

Modern Marketing

The modern business has made a concerted effort to move marketing online. This is, after all, where a huge proportion of all current and potential customers and are and where they can be engaged with. Social media marketing has become all the rage, and while it all makes good business sense, the maintenance of the traditional forms of marketing discussed below are just as, if not, more important.

Traditional Marketing

The use of neon lighting and the ability to choose the right lighting for business signs is all part and parcel of the traditional on-street marketing that many a business relied upon in the past. However, it is still a proven point that, for many, it is the traditional aspects that are still key drivers of the business and builders of the brand. On-street signage, the shop front, and flyers are the materials related to your brand that local people will encounter, and thus, it still needs to be out there. Many businesses neglect the fact that not everyone is online and, as such, there is an entire range of potential customers that you neglect if you don’t have the old-school marketing and advertising covered.

Holistic Marketing

Being able to look at all parts of the business as one and then using all available means to reach and disseminate your brand message, both internally and externally, is at the heart of holistic marketing. The idea of holistic marketing is an integrated combination of the two forms of marketing, to achieve as wide a reach as possible among those that are likely to become consumers and buyers of your products or services. It is also from the old-school signage and lights that your business backstory can be captured and presented, creating a marketing and business pedigree that only holistic marketing can provide.

The ability to combine the old with the new and to make a new way of delivering and transmitting your brand message is what modern-day holistic marketing is all about, and this article has attempted to show why this must be the case. No matter how big or small, niche or bespoke your business is, if you aren’t using a holistic marketing campaign to your benefit, then you’re missing a trick.

Business   Marketing