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Global ABS and Structured Finance Summit 2021

Global ABS and Structured Finance Summit 2021 organized by Opal Group


Opal’s Global ABS and Structured Finance Summit is an educational and networking forum designed for investors, issuers, platforms, fintech firms, investment banks, underwriters, rating agencies, broker dealers, lawyers, technology firms, service providers, accountants and more. At this conference, they can learn the newest techniques to maximize returns and reduce risk exposure, an in-depth review of recent regulatory changes, COVID issues, opportunities and structural considerations will provide attendees with the tools necessary to stay one step ahead of their competitors. The conference will serve as an opportunity where a meaningful dialogue can be opened to address concerns regarding this dynamic segment of the market. With the changing landscape among numerous industries due to COVID-19, the need to meet is more relevant than ever. Each Opal agenda contains a comprehensive list of seasoned speakers and leaders who are closely watching the impact of COVID-19 and its relation to industry trends. Opal is eager to keep education and networking a priority amongst this community. Virtual conferences are playing a crucial role in this time of remote work and digital business by allowing organizations to adapt in a world going through new challenges. These changes are not only altering the way we do business now but will alter the way we do business in the future. At Opal Group, our goal is to become a valued partner to the finance world by providing options for companies and individuals to connect with one another in their efforts to share information, deal flow, and foster relationships that fuel your efforts to reach your target market. Today, Opal Group is proud to offer customized live virtual conferences that combine market timely ideas and industry specific topics – produced to connect like-minded individuals and companies. This new digital offering can help expand your brand’s reach, position speakers as thought leaders, and connect with potential prospects amidst the world’s current climate. Opal is proud to launch our Virtual Global ABS and Structured Finance Summit This event will address what has happened in the current space since the outbreak of COVID-19 and forecasts for the future of the industry. We look forward to hosting you soon virtually or at the live event in 2021. Until then, stay safe and healthy! Join us! Interested in attending, speaking or sponsoring? Contact Lauren Bautista at (212) 532-9898 ext 258 or email info@opalgroup.net


Costs: n/a

Event type: Conferences and congresses

Registration information: n/a

Event website: https://opalgroup.net/conference/global-abs-summit-2021/

Posted by: Angelica Angulo


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