Icon-MoSAIQ Lunches Series October 2022


MoSAIQ Strategies

During our lunches we will explain how we delivered to our investors on all the ambitious objectives we set to oursleves when we launched our MoSAIQ strategies 7 years ago. When we first went live in 2016, with our MoSAIQ Market Neutral strategy (now trading under ISIN DE000A275XR4) we clearly stated our goals: -Double digit average yearly return -No negative year -Low (close to zero) correlation to the S&P 500 -Perform strongly during most S&P 500 largest drawdowns -Control the strategies maximum drawdown and keep it in the -10% -15% range Our flagship MoSAIQ Carmika Market Neutral (ISIN DE000A22MU38) has generated +27% net annualized return (IRR) live since inception and is up +8% YTD as of end of August 2022. Our legacy MoSAIQ-Carmika Market Neutral (ISIN ISIN DE000A275XR4) has generated +13.7% net annualized return (IRR) live since inception and is up +2.2% YTD as of end of August 2022. Our factsheets can be found here: https://mosaiq-documents.tilk.us/v/bb473da12d
