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Solarplaza Summit Poland 2023

Solarplaza Summit Poland 2023 organized by Solarplaza

Warsaw, Poland

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Sustaining PV Growth in Poland - the Newest EU RE Powerhouse

3rd edition of Solarplaza Summit Poland to gather large-scale solar PV players

The rapid growth of the Polish solar PV market has been one of Europes biggest recent surprises. Its attractive auction scheme is expected to last until 2026 and is already forecasted to boost the market past 20 GW of green energy by 2025. The third edition of the Solarplaza Summit Poland will provide a clear overview of the opportunities and challenges paired with this accelerated growth and will facilitate high-level networking and deal-making. 

Poland is targeting a 32% share of renewable energy in the energy consumption mix by 2030, yet currently still sources 83% of its electricity from fossil fuels. Solar will be a key technology for the country to turn this picture around and meet its ambitions. In 2022, the cumulative Polish solar PV capacity broke through the 10 GW threshold in 2022, in a landmark year that saw it ranked as Europe’s third-largest solar market. This year, the market is forecasted to close in on the 15 GW milestone.

A new renewable energy auction scheme will push for the development of 13 GW of new projects, including around 9 GW of solar, and the lively wholesale market and increasing demand for PPAs are expected to drive more and more opportunities for the market. Of course, Poland is not without its challenges either. Its policy scheme is one of the most complex of its kind in Europe and is weighed down by heavy permitting. And, like most markets around the world, the country’s grid infrastructure has reached its limits and requires serious upgrades, which could delay or even threaten grid connection for RE projects. 

The Solarplaza Summit Poland specifically focuses on large-scale PV, investment opportunities and the presentation of trends, solutions and practical business cases. The event - hosted in Warsaw on 25 May 2023 - will provide critical knowledge that will allow PV professionals to truly tap into the potential - and overcome the challenges - of the Polish market.  

As the green energy market grows at a rapid pace, many international developers, asset owners and financiers are planning to kickstart or expand their Polish operations, often collaborating with local partners. The balanced split between local and international players and high-level profile makes the Solarplaza Summit Poland crowd in Warsaw an invaluable networking pool, with key decision-makers willing to explore strategies and new business opportunities.

Solarplaza Summit Poland

9 May 2023 - Warsaw, Poland

International tickets: €895 (Early Bird) / €995 (Regular) 

Local tickets: €495 (Early Bird) / €595 (Regular)

Contact: dena@solarplaza.com

Register now: https://bit.ly/3jbseKP


Costs: €995

Event type: Conferences and congresses

Registration information: https://bit.ly/3jbseKP

Event website: https://bit.ly/3DkrWbw

Posted by: Emily B


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