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Fraser Coutts & Partners

Privately held; Founded in 1994
1 - 5 employees



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Profile summary

Fraser Coutts & Partners supports businesses and individuals with their off-market private physical assets or asset backed deals (anything from buying and selling property, to tech companies, to renewable energy, to art collections, to gold, to rough diamonds, to wine). The company concentrates on real estate, corporate finance and private assets as well as offering bespoke advice on projects. This entails discretely bringing together buyers/sellers and projects/investors, working on either buy or sell side retained mandates. Geographically, across all business lines the deals are around 50% United Kingdom, 50% International. Our deals are £1m+ and typically in the £10-50m mid-market range. Please note that we do not market/distribute financial products, raise capital for funds or quasi-fund structures nor do we provide financial/insurance/investment/legal/tax advice. All prospective clients/projects are subject to a 3-step process of a) client onboarding, b) full project information/search requirements, and c) agreed mandate (typically with appointment fee, retainer and success-fee). Recent winner of 3 company awards – *Best Specialist Investment Brokerage & Consultancy Firm 2020 *Award for Distinction in Luxury Asset Brokerage Services 2020 *Best Specialist Investment Brokerage of the Year 2021

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