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Ryan Donovan Granger



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Ryan Donovan Granger, born in London, moved to New York City in 2000. He is specialized in helping companies and people create investment strategies. Ryan Donovan Granger takes pride in having acquired an in-depth understanding of capital markets in the years working in this industry. He dedicates on managing client’s projects and attends their professional events. Also, Ryan Donovan Granger provides training and coaching and focuses on developing the practical and tactical strategies that businesses/people need for asset building and development. Soon after moving to New York, Granger, with the help of his family and private investors, Granger bought residential real estate in Brooklyn, New York. With the aim to concentrate on commercial real estate in Manhattan, Ryan Donovan Granger sold most of his housing portfolio in 2002. Ryan founded Donovan Capital in 2004, as a means to his investments. Ryan Donovan Granger focuses on raising capital and finding partners and leaves the development of its real estate mostly to its partners.

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