Our corporate services, the services which we offer any business, include: receiving agent services for debt and equity issues; registrar services for debt and equity registers; compliance and corporate administration services; security trustee services; escrow agent services; accounting, taxation and book-keeping services; and software development services. Our corporate services clients have included: start-up companies, growth SMEs, special purpose vehicles (“SPVs”), limited partnerships and companies quoted on the London Stock Exchange. For collective investment businesses (funds), we provide not only corporate services but also a range of fund services. Our aim is to give the fund manager freedom to focus his resources on fund management. Our fund services are firmly rooted in our understanding of funds and the relevant legislation and regulations. This knowledge informs not only the fund services but also the related corporate services we provide. Examples of some of our fund-specific services include: VCT accounting; VCT company secretarial services; virtual fund accounting for EIS funds; EIS investor portfolio administration & accounting; EIS compliance administration; investor and financial intermediary communication services; and software development services. The funds for which we have acted include: investment companies, venture capital trusts (VCTs), investment (limited) partnerships, investment syndicates, enterprise investment scheme (EIS) funds and inheritance tax funds. We may also support fund managers through the provision of corporate services for their own businesses and for the businesses in which their funds invest.