2. Direct (e.g. single company, bond, etc.)
2.1. In a legal structure (e.g. stocks, bonds)
2.2. Without any legal structure (e.g. a single hotel from a private person)
2.3. Investment company
2.4. Co-Investment
2.5. Miscellaneous direct investments
3. Collective investment schemes
3.1. Open-Ended Management Investment Companies (unit investment trusts)
3.4. Fund of Funds
3.5. Trusts
3.6. Foundations
3.6.1. non-for-profit
3.6.2. private/profit-oriented
3.7. Miscellaneous
3.8. Mandate
4. Structured Products
4.1. Investment Products
4.2. Capital Protection
4.2.1. Uncapped Capital Protections
4.2.2. Exchangeable Certificates
4.2.3. Capped Capital Protection with Knock-Out
4.2.4. Capital Protection with Coupon
4.2.5. Miscellaneous Capital Protection
4.3. Yield Enhancement Products
4.3.1. Discount Certificates
4.3.2. Barrier Discount Certificates
4.3.3. Reverse Convertibles
4.3.4. Barrier Reverse Convertibles
4.3.5. Capped Outperformance Certificates
4.3.6. Capped Bonus Certificates
4.3.7. Express Certificates
4.3.8. Miscellaneous Yield Enhancement
4.4. Participation Products
4.4.1. Tracker Certificates
4.4.2. Outperformance Certificates
4.4.3. Bonus Certificates
4.4.4. Outperformance Bonus Certificates
4.4.5. Twin-Win Certificates
4.4.6. Miscellaneous Participation
4.5. Leverage Products
4.5.1. Leverage Products without Knock-out Warrants Spread Warrants Miscellaneous Leverage without Knock-Out
4.5.2. Leverage Products with Knock-out Knock-Out Warrants Mini-Futures Double Knock-Out Warrants Miscellaneous Leverage without Knock-Out
4.5.3. Constant Leverage Products Constant Leverage Certificate Miscellaneous Constant Leverage Products
5. Derivatives
5.5. Options
5.6. Futures/Forwards/CFDs
5.7. SWAPS
5.8. Miscellaneous derivatives
6. Direct (e.g. single company, bond, etc.)
6.5. In a legal structure (e.g. stocks, bonds)
6.6. Without any legal structure (e.g. a single hotel from a private person)
6.7. Investment company
6.8. Co-Investment
6.9. Miscellaneous direct investments
7. Miscellaneous
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