If you are an event organizer and interested in more exposure for your events, we offer physical events the option of a media partnership with SmartMoneyMatch (if there is a relevant audience).
What we usually additionally offer for media partners is the following:
- We will also share it on our social media channels like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Xing, and Viadeo.
-In our newsletter, we will have it as recommended events (to more than 1.2m subscribers) from the three months ahead until the event, e.g., 2 - 3x
- Have an article we take into our blog and share it on our social media channels. You can write it at https://www.smartmoneymatch.com/article/new (we will also share it).
And additionally (also for free publishing)
- You can have a company webpage you can create on https://www.smartmoneymatch.com/user/createorganization (and also a personal website).
- You can list your event at https://www.smartmoneymatch.com/event/new
What we usually receive from our media partners:
- SmartMoneyMatch logo on all print and online materials listed as a media partner
- Online link to the website as a media partner
- Mentioning (with other partners) in all email advertisements.
- All logos can be found at https://www.smartmoneymatch.com/en/media-library
Interested? Please contact Martin Signer
P.S. If you want dedicated mailing - besides being included in the newsletter as a recommended event - we can also provide this. When we are listed as a media partner, we give 50% off our usual prices. There we usually charge $33/1,000 subscribers. We can segment by country and language (to some extent also by expertise area like e.g. real estate). An example is e.g., https://www.smartmoneymatch.com/articles/English-Partner-Email-Example/306
Please select at least one qualified/retail country