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How do media partnerships usually work?

If you are an event organizer and interested in more exposure for your events, we offer physical events the option of a media partnership with SmartMoneyMatch (if there is a relevant audience).

What we usually additionally offer for media partners is the following:

- We will also share it on our social media channels like LinkedIn, Facebook, TwitterXing, and Viadeo

-In our newsletter, we will have it as recommended events (to more than 1.2m subscribers) from the three months ahead until the event, e.g., 2 - 3x 

- Have an article we take into our blog and share it on our social media channels. You can write it at (we will also share it).

And additionally (also for free publishing)

- You can have a company webpage you can create on (and also a personal website).

- You can list your event at


What we usually receive from our media partners:

- SmartMoneyMatch logo on all print and online materials listed as a media partner

- Online link to the website as a media partner

- Mentioning (with other partners) in all email advertisements.

- All logos can be found at

Interested? Please contact Martin Signer

P.S. If you want dedicated mailing - besides being included in the newsletter as a recommended event - we can also provide this. When we are listed as a media partner, we give 50% off our usual prices. There we usually charge $33/1,000 subscribers. We can segment by country and language (to some extent also by expertise area like e.g. real estate). An example is e.g.,